Hospitals Info
A range of health services and facilities is provided for every person who resides in or visits Hong Kong, whether you can or cannot afford medical attention. There are 41 public hospitals in Hong Kong, where fees are heavily subsidized. In addition, there are 13 private hospitals with charges ranging from an average of $540 a day for an inpatient bed in a general ward to around $2,100 for a first class ward. People in the Hong Kong Health Sector pledge non-discriminatory service therefore you can be assured that they will attend to your needs first before looking at your medical bill.
For more information regarding health and safety in Hong Kong, you may check Hong Kong Health Department.
Alice Ho Mui Ling Nethersole|11 Chuen On Rd, Tai Po, NT|26892000**
Baptist Hospital|223 Waterloo Rd, Kowloon|23374141**
Canossa Hospital|1 Old Peak Rd , The Peak, Hong Kong|25222181**
Castle Peak Hospital|15 Tsing Chung Koon Rd, Tuen Mun, NT|24567111**
Cheshire Home|DD 995, Chung Hom Kok Rd, Hong Kong|28139823**
Cheshire Home|30 A Kung Kok Shan Rd, Shatin, NT|26367288**
Evangel Hospital|222 Waterloo Rd , Kowloon|27115221**
Grantham Hospital|125 Wong Chuk Hang Ph, Admiralty, Hong Kong|25182111**
Hong Kong Adventist Hospital|40 Stubbs Rd , Hong Kong|25746211**
Hong Kong Central Hospital|1 Lower Albert Rd , Central, Hong Kong|25223141****